Adjective Clause | How to Learn with Definition and Examples

Learn The Adjective Clause comprehensively by definition, examples, uses, and exercises with answers. So, the whole topic based on the concepts makes understanding more effective.

The Adjective Clause | How to Learn with Definition and Examples 

1. Adjective Clause

An adjective clause, is a group of words that contains a subject and predicate of its own. It is used as an adjective to qualify nouns or pronouns or it represents a relation to a Noun or Pronoun.

For Example;

(i) This is the boy who picked my pocket.

(ii)This is the horse that runs fast.

(iii)The man whom I do not know came here.

(iv)The reason why he did it is not clear.

(v)The book that is torn is not mine.

(vi)The girl whose purse dropped here is coming back.


(vii)The time when he will come is not known.

In the above examples, picked, runs, know, did, torn, lying, and come are predicates.

Explanation of Above Examples;

Note: In all the above seven sentences, the adjective clause starts with who, which, whom, why, that, whose, and when respectively. So, keep in mind that all these words come at the start of their own adjective clause, and also keep in mind that these words whose meanings are descriptive (positive/simple/general) not interrogative.

Important: Use ‘who, whose, whom’ for human whereas ‘which, that’ for other than human (non-human). 

For Example;

Who = It represents ‘Subjective Case’ for humans.

That is the man who cheated us.

Whose = It shows ‘possessive case’ of a noun.

I met an old man whose son got the first position.

Whom = It states the ‘objective case’ of a noun.

He was the player whom I met on the ground.

Which/That = ‘Subjective Case’ for non-humana.

He had a hen which laid a golden egg daily.

This is the pen that I lost yesterday.


Where = It represents a location or a point.

This is the insurance organization where I do the advisory job.

You should demonstrate these exercises:


So, follow the concepts will help you to solve.

  1. This is the house where I lived twenty years ago.
  2. The dog that bites does not bark.
  3. I know the man whose books are lying there.
  4. Here is the novel which you want.
  5. People who live in big houses should not ridicule the poor.
  6. Any boy who makes a mistake will be punished.
  7. I have a lamb whose fleece is white as snow.
  8. He laughs best who laughs last.
  9. I have a box which is filled with diamonds.
  10. This is the boy whom I beat for stealing.
  11. The people who were sitting in the gallery could not hear. 
  12. This is the street where we stayed for two years.
  13. He tells a tale that sounds false.
  14. She never does anything that is silly.
  15. He went away by train that left an hour ago.
  16. The boy who worked hard-gained the prize.
  17. She met the girl whose eyes were blue.
  18. His offense is one that cannot be pardoned.
  19. I am the king of all I survey.
  20. He that climbs too high is sure to fall.

Point to Remember;

The Relative Adverbs like why, when, and where which are used in the above sentences, are also used in Adverb Clause. But in the above sentences, these are used to make an Adjective Clause. In such sentences, these are used to answer which timewhich thing, and which reason.  


So, follow the concepts will help you to solve.

This is the road. It leads to China. 

This is the road that leads to China. 


2. He will come at a certain time. The time is not known. 

The time when he will come is not known.

3. The hail is crowded. It holds only one thousand students.

The hall which holds only one thousand students is crowded.


4. The students work hard. They are liked by the teacher.

The students who work hard are liked by the teacher.


5. Iqbal is a great poet. We call him our national poet. 

Iqbal who is a great poet is called our national poet.

6. Coal is found in Baluchistan. It is a useful mineral. 

 Coal which is a useful mineral is found in Baluchistan. 

7. The man is my friend. He invited us to dinner.

The man who invited us to dinner is my friend.

8. Why he did it. The reason is not clear.

The reason why he did it is not clear.

9. The Giant loved a little boy most. The boy was never seen again.

The little boy whom the Giant loved most was never seen again.


10. This is a house. I lived here two years ago. 

This is the house where I lived two years ago. 

11. Ahmad stood first in the test. He told me this. 

Ahmad told me that he stood first in the test. 

12. The grapes are sour. Ali bought grapes yesterday. 

The grapes which Ali bought were sour.


13.The house is under construction. It belongs to my father.

The house which is under construction belongs to my father.


In this exercise, pick out the Adjective clauses in the following sentences and which noun or pronoun they qualify.

So, follow the concepts will help you to solve.

  1. This is the man who is kind to use all.
  2. The person who leads a simple life, experiences happiness.
  3. The idea which he proposed was liked by ail.
  4. The picture which he painted is really very beautiful.
  5.  Lessons that are learned easily are soon forgotten.
  6. Can you see the kite which is flying high? 
  7. Those who boast do little.
  8. People who are honest are muted.
  9. The time which is lost can never be recalled.
  10. The moment which is lost is lost forever.
  11. The people who tell lies are always hated. 
  12. He that climbs too high is sure to fall.
  13. God helps those who help themselves. 
  14. He who digs a pit for others falls into it himself.
  15. This is the boy who was caught stealing.
  16. This is the book which I lost last year.
  17.  He is telling a tale which is very interesting.
  18. The time when he will reach is not known. 
  19. He lives in the house where he was born. 
  20. Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown.



  1.  which he painted.___ Noun___Picture
  2. who leads simple life.___ Noun ___Person 
  3.  where he was born.___Noun___the house
  4. who is kind to us all. ___  Noun ___  Man 
  5.  which are learnt easily___ Noun___Lessons 
  6. who digs a pit for others.___Pronoun___He 
  7. Who boast___Pronoun___those  
  8. that wears the crown.___Noun___the head 
  9.  which is lost .___Noun ___Time 
  10.  which is lost.___Noun___Moment 
  11.  who tell lies.___Noun.___The People 
  12. which I lost.last year.___Noun___the book
  13.  who help themselves.___Pronoun___those 
  14. who are honest.___ Noun___ People 
  15. which is flying high.___ Noun___Kite 
  16. That climbs too high.___Pronoun___He 
  17.  which is very interesting.___Noun___tale 
  18.  when he will reach.___Noun___the time 
  19. who was caught stealing. ___Noun___The boy 
  20.  which he proposed. ___Noun ___Idea. 


In this exercise, supply suitable Adjective Clauses in the following sentences.

So, follow the concepts will help you to solve.

  1. This the man_________
  2. The boy_______ has gone.
  3. 1 have sold the house _________ .
  4. That is the thief _________.
  5. This is the pen _______. 
  6. That is the teacher_________. 
  7. This is the cow _____. 
  8. Students ______ will be punished.
  9. She is the lady_________. 
  10. I saw the children_________.
  11. I know the reason _________. 
  12. Tell me the place_________. 
  13. 1 know the girl __________.
  14. 1 know the method_________.
  15. That is the man_________.
  16. This is the chair_________.
  17. 1 never do anything_________.
  18. The rooms are full of students_________.  
  19. We watched a film_________. 
  20. This is the watch _________.



  1. who was caught telling lies.
  2. who helped me.
  3. which had inherited.
  4. who was caught by us.
  5. which I bought _yesterday.
  6. who we hold in great esteem.
  7. which does not give milk.
  8. who make a mistake
  9. whom I helped in distress.
  10. who were wearing blackcoats.
  11. why he did not come.
  12. where you have dropped my pen:
  13. whose hair is golden.
  14. how to solve this sum.
  15. who helps the needy.
  16. which lie brake.
  17. that is silly.
  18. who have come to take the test.
  19. that was very interesting.
  20. which has gold chain.

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