Past Continuous Tense – All Rules Exercise

Learn Past Continuous Tense in Urdu with negative, interrogative, and interro-negative sentences under its definitions, formulas, rules, and exercises.


Past = passed

Continuous=in process/ happening in recent

Tense = time/period/verb

Past Continuous Tense =any action was happening in continuous time


In this tense anything is done, happened  or borne in past time in Continuing aspects.

They were doing their duty.


Recognition of Past Continuous Tense in English:

S + was/were +1V + ing+ O

First of all, the subject is placed at the start of the sentence then is/are/am and the first form of verb plus ‘ing’ and object at the end with a full stop.


* 1V=1st form of verb

* 1V + ing = 4th form of verb

If the subjects are singular that is “I, He, She, It, Name”, we have to use the helping verb “was” with all of these subjects and if the subjects are plural like “You, We, They, Names”, the helping verb “were” will be used.

For He, She, It, single name= use ‘was’ as helping verb

They, You, we, plural name= use ‘were’ as helping verb


Swas/were 1V-ing O
 We were play+ing cricket

We were playing cricket. 

Youweredrivinga car

You were driving a car.

Swas/were1V-ing O
Wewereeating food

We were eating food.

Swas/were1V-ing O
Moosawas eatingbread

Moosa was eating bread.

Air and Asifwerego+ingwalk

Aamir and Asif were going for a walk.

Theywerewritinga new topic

They were writing a new topic.


Helping Verb= was, were

To make a sentence negative, add “not” right after the ‘helping verb’ and helping verbs may be was or were. We will add ‘not’ after one of the helping verbs (was/were).

S + was/were + not + 1Ving + O

 was/were not 1V+ ing O

He was not going to school.

was/were not1V+ ingO
Theywere not do-ing homework

They were not doing homework.


To make a sentence interrogative, we need a helping verb to put it at the start of the sentence and place a sign of interrogation/question mark at the end of the sentence. Remember, without a sign of interrogation the sentences will be considered incomplete or wrong. Also, do not place a full stop after a question mark.

Was/Were S1v+ingO

Was he going to school?

Was/Were1V+ ingO?
Werethey doinghomework?

Were they doing homework?


To make a sentences interro-negative, it is an easy way that makes this sentence negative first then place helping verb at the start of the sentence and place question mark at the end.

S + Was/Were + 1V ing + O

S + Was/Were + not + 1V ing + O (Negative)

Was/Were + S +  not + 1V ing + O ? (Interro-negative)

Was/WereSnot1V+ ingO?
Was he not go-ingschool?

Was he not going school?

Was/WereSnot1V+ ingO?
Were they not do-inghomework?

Were they not doing homework?

FAQs about Past Continuous Tense

In the past continuous tense, “when” and “while” are commonly used to describe two past actions happening at the same time or when one action interrupts another. Here’s how they function:

1. “When” with Past Continuous & Simple Past

  • “When” introduces a shorter action (Simple Past) that interrupts a longer action (Past Continuous).
  • Structure:
    Past Continuous + when + Simple Past
    Simple Past + when + Past Continuous
  • Examples:
    • I was watching TV when the phone rang.
    • She was cooking dinner when the lights went out.

2. “While” with Two Past Continuous Actions

  • “While” is used when two longer actions were happening at the same time.
  • Structure:
    Past Continuous + while + Past Continuous
  • Examples:
    • I was reading a book while she was listening to music.
    • They were playing football while we were watching them.

3. “While” with Past Continuous & Simple Past

  • “While” can also introduce the longer action (Past Continuous), and the shorter action (Simple Past) happens during it.
  • Structure:
    While + Past Continuous, Simple Past
    Simple Past + while + Past Continuous
  • Examples:
    • While I was walking to the store, I met an old friend.
    • He called me while I was sleeping.

Let me know if you need more clarification!

Past continuous tense worksheet

When forming questions in the past continuous tense, we use:

Was/Were + subject + verb (-ing)?

1. Yes/No Questions

🔹 Was/Were + subject + verb (-ing) + ?


  • Was she studying when you called? (Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t.)
  • Were they playing football in the park? (Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.)
  • Was it raining last night?

2. Wh- Questions

🔹 Wh-word + was/were + subject + verb (-ing)?


  • What were you doing at 8 PM yesterday?
  • Where was she going when you saw her?
  • Why were they laughing so loudly?
  • Who was she talking to on the phone?

3. Negative Questions

🔹 Wasn’t/Weren’t + subject + verb (-ing)?


  • Wasn’t he waiting for you?
  • Weren’t they watching the match?

Negative questions are often used for confirmation or surprise.

You should also learn:

Present Continuous Tense

Future Continuous Tense

Present Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Tense

English Tenses Complete

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