Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu with Exercise

Learn Future Perfect Continuous Tense in Urdu with definitions, formulas, examples of Negative, Interrogative, Interronegative Sentences. They will have


Future =in next

Perfect = complete

Continuous = happening in recent

Tense =  period/verb

Past Perfect Continuous Tense =something happening completely in next or future


Recognition of Future Perfect Tense in English(Formula):

They will have been doing  duty.


Will have =use for you, he, she, it, name(s).
Shall have= use only for I and We.

Ahmadwillhavebeendo-ingteaching job.

Ahmad will have been doing a job.

Theywillhavebeenwrite-ing poems.

They will have been writing poems.

All of youwillhavebeenplaying cricket.

All of you will have been playing cricket.


Negative Sentence of Future Perfect Continuous tense:

To make a sentence negative, place “ not” right after will/shall as to use first helping Verb. Let us formulate it.


S will/shall not have been1V-ing O

We shall have not been going to school.

S will not have been1V-ing O
youwillnothavebeendo-inghard work.

You will not have been doing hard work.

 S will/shall not have been1V-ing O

 We shall not have been going to school.


Interrogative Sentence of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

To make a sentence interrogative, place “had” right before the subject or at the start of the sentence. Let us formulate it.

WillAhmadhavebeendo-ingteaching job.

Will Ahmad have been doing a job?

Willtheyhavebeenwriting the poems?

 They will have been writing poems.

All of youwillhavebeenplaying cricket.

All of you will have been playing cricket.


Interro-Negative Sentences of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

To make a sentence interro-negative, add “had” right before the subject of a negative sentence and put a sign of interrogation at the end. Let us formulate it.

WillS not have been1V-ing O?

Will he not have been going to school?

Will S not have been1V-ing O?
 WillAll of younothavebeenplay-ingcricket?

Will all of you not have been playing cricket?

Will not have been1V-ing O?
Willtheynothavebeenwrite-ingthe poems?

Will they not have been writing the poems?

When Time is Assumed

For=how long

For Example:

Two years,

One month,

Half an hour

Since morning, last Summer, night, June.

 S will have been1V-ing O since/for time
Hewillhavebeenread-inga booksincemorning

He will have been reading a book since morning.

 S shall have been1V-ing O since/for time
ہمگے  رہے-کرتےکامسےایک سال
Weshallhavebeendo-ingworkforone year.

We shall have been working for one year.

Negative Sentence of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

To make a sentence negative, place “ not” right after has/have. Let us formulate it.

Swill nothavebeen1V-ingOsince/fortime

Sajid will not have been going to school since Sunday.     

 S  will nothavebeen1V-ingO since/for     time

We shall not have been playing cricket since noon.         

Interrogative Sentence of Future Perfect Continuous Tense:

To make a sentence interrogative, place “has/have” right before the subject or at the start of the sentence. Let us formulate it.

Will/Shall+S+have+been+4V+O+since/for+…… ?

 WillS have been1V-ing O since/for time?
 Willyouhavebeendo-inghard work sincemorning?

Will you have been doing hard work since morning?

 WillS have been1V-ing O since/fortime?
WillAlihavebeendo-inga jobfortwo years?

Will Ali have been doing a job for two years?

Interro-Negative Sentences of Futur Perfect Continuous Tense:

To make a sentence interro-negative, add “has/have” right before the subject of a negative sentence and put the sign of interrogation at the end. Let us formulate it.


Shallwenothavebeendo-inghard worksincemorning?

Shall we not have been doing hard work since morning?

Will S nothavebeen1V-ingO since/for time?
WillAlinothavebeendo-ingjobfortwo years?

Will Ali not have been doing a job for two years.

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